Saturday, September 21, 2013

Here in Our Corner: 4 months!

Baby Audrey (as Sophie calls her) is 4 months old! My, how times flies!

Audrey's little personality is really starting to come out. She coos all the time and has the cutest toothless grin. She's very active with her hands and feet always going. She's also very ticklish and will laugh out loud if you give her a playful poke in the tummy. 

I am very happy to report that she has pretty consistently been sleeping through the night for the past 2 weeks. She typically goes to bed between 8-9 pm and sleeps until 5-6 am.  She's usually cuddled up on her side when I check on her before I go to bed. Definitely a side sleeper!

She started going on walks at day care last week and has really been enjoying it. They have a big 4-seater stroller and the babies look so adorable cruising around in it. Here she is heading out for her first walk. 

I know 3 1/2 months is early to be teething but she's putting everything in her mouth so I think a tooth might be making its appearance sooner rather than later. 

Sophie has been helping me cook a lot recently. We made chocolate chip cookies, a Toll House Pie, strawberry muffins and she helped with dinner several times. 

Sophie has been riding her tricycle a lot recently and is doing great with it. We let her ride through the neighborhood with us last week while we pushed Audrey in the stroller. I love her little red Radio Flyer but she has requested a pink princess bike several times so we've told her Santa Claus might bring her one if she's really really good. 

Sophie's preschool class studied about weather this week and yesterday was snow day. I brought our snow cone machine to her class for a special treat for the kids. It was a big hit!

We enjoyed a girls movie night last weekend with a bedtime showing of Beast and the Beast. Snuggles with my girls are the best. 

 Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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