Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here in Our Corner

I tried to do a photo shoot of the girls in the backyard last week which didn't go as planned. I had to bribe Sophie with ice cream to get her to cooperate at all but once in the chair it was nearly impossible to get her to look at the camera. Audrey had moments of happiness mixed with moments of fussiness. If you click through all the pictures in succession it's almost comical to see. But at least I got a few good shots. 

I made these dresses and will share the details in an upcoming post. 

The girls are doing very well in school. Audrey seems really happy, takes good naps and has been drinking all her bottles. Here is a sweet picture of her looking at the family pictures that decorate her crib at school.

Sophie is enjoying being back with her favorite teacher Ms. Ashlee and has a cozy class of only 8 students. They are practicing learning to write by tracing letters and I have been incredibly impressed with what she can do. Here is an "A" she did all by herself.

I've been busy (as always) editing mounds of pictures that have been piling up for the last 3 months. I take pictures almost every day but simply never had the time to get to editing everything before now. Audrey's already changed so much and is getting so big! Here she is at 3 months.

She has discovered her feet and they are FASCINATING! I swear she can hold onto them and play with her toes for 30 minutes straight!

Sophie is such a great big sister and loves to hold Audrey!  

Sophie has expressed some interest in learning to sew which I am really excited about. I found her sitting at my sewing machine the other day and she said, "Mama, I want to help you!" I need to find a simple project I can get her to help me with. 

Hope everyone is having a good week! 

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